Monday, March 2, 2009

Tough questions: Did God create Evil? Didn't God make everything? Why did God make us, knowing that we would sin? Why does a loving God allow suffering? What proves that the Bible is the word of God logically?


~Jill said...

Give us a chance to answer, Jack! :)

speedyjon said...

Sure. But I can't wait forever.:)

Allison Joy said...

Why does a loving God allow suffering?
He is a just God. We disobeyed His commandments, therefore, we reap the consequences of sin.(Ro. 3:10-23) These are manifested in suffering, drought, crime, sorrow, etc.(Gen. 3:17) Our just God allows suffering, and at the same time He is a loving God Who shows us the way to THE Answer to all suffering: Jesus. (John 1:29, John 3:16, 15:1-27, 16:27, 33)


speedyjon said...

I like your answer. It's right. But that is only a start. With this we still need to know why God would make us knowing we'd disobeyed His commandments?

Allison Joy said...

Didn't God make everything and everyone for His pleasure and glory? He knew we wouldn't be perfect just on our own. What better way to proclaim His love and glory giving humans a choice to obey Him, then after deciding to go our own way, He allows His Son to save us all, and return us to Him?
